
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Taupe Polish: Hit or Miss?

It doesnt matter if youre a polish addict, style watcher, trendsetter or whatever you proclaim yourself to be, you've probably seen this (or hopeful dupes) popping up on nails everywhere:

Now when I first saw this polish, I said to myself, "Eh, looks like dirt." Seriously. Taupe is not the first color family I run to when shopping for nail polish. However, despite my reservations for this color, its been flying off the shelves, seen on red carpets and runways and is now trickling down to the masses.

For what its worth, I decided to try the taupe trend. No, I didnt pick up this Chanel polish, so sorry to disappoint you if you were looking for yet another swatch of that color. I picked up its cheap, older sister that was obviously before her time, Maybelline Touch of Taupe. I found this at Dollar Tree! Obviously, I was not about to plunk down the cash for a trend I was just wanting to try for kicks.

 This picture (above) is indoors + flash. It looks really light here.

I think this is a more color accurate representation of how it really looks in most indoor lighting situations.

So what do I think about taupe polishes after trying one? I think its a huge MISS! I don't like this trend at all because I really hate this color against my skin tone. This chica is brown enough, I don't need brown nails! Now if this is your thing, by all means, feel free to taupe it up! But me? I wont be following this trend.

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