
Monday, May 9, 2011

Sally Hansen Crackle Overcoat: Cherry Smash

Remember I told you Sally Hansen was coming out with some Crackle polishes, hitting stores in June? Well I have one of the shades to show you! Introducing...Cherry Smash.


I dont have a red crackle polish yet, so I didnt know what to layer it over. When in doubt, you can always do skittle nails!  Here it is over Orly Shine, Sally Hansen Black Out and Ruby Kisses French White. L to R.

Cherry Smash has a thin consistency, as do most crackle polishes I've tried. However, this polish seems to be even thinner than my CG crackles, which is not necessarily a bad thing to me. I had to get the hang of applying crackles, because if you put on a thick coat, it wont crackle right. The thin consistency of Cherry Smash helped me to get the crackle look I was going for the first time around more often.

Looks like crackles are here to stay for a little while longer. Will you be trying any of Sally Hansen's crackle overcoats?

♥ Lachelle

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