
Monday, May 11, 2009

Nic's Sticks Text Me

Indoor + Flash (above)
Indoor + No Flash

Indoor + Flash

Okay, I have no idea why they decided to name this Text Me. I mean what about this says "text me"? I had my reservations about this polish; I've read other bloggers reviews about the humongous brush with the crazy bristles and I was ready to take on the challenge. I'm glad I did because I the end results! I love this color as well...I'm going to look for something like this in bottle form, any suggestions?

Okay, on the polish review. Painting with this brush was weird at first; I felt like there wasn't any polish on the brush and kept clicking the top so more would come out. Well it must have been hidden at times because sometimes I got a blob of polish and then other times, barely nothing. The color on the stick is actually pretty accurate to the color inside. Also after I completed my manicure I was left wondering how much polish I actually had left, they should add a little window or something.

The polish dried to the touch fairly quick, but I wanted make sure I would disturb the 1st coat of polish while trying to do the 2nd coat. Well I think I waited fairly enough time, about 7 minutes, but I still managed to get brush strokes on some nails. Today is my second day wearing it and I have really bad tip wear only on my right hand. Hmmm....but I'm right handed so maybe that's it?
All flaws considered, I actually liked Nic's Sticks and would try them again. I think it's a great concept and I can actually take this with me without worrying about it spilling. Plus, I loved the color, even got compliments on it!
This three coats + topcoat
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